I had the privilege of presenting (virtually, of course!) to Pink Boots Society‘s Sacramento Chapter about strengthening their breweries’ brands during a crisis. I wanted to share some of the key takeaways that any small business can start implementing today, even if they’re not currently operating.
1. Consumer expectations are changing. They’re looking for transparency, information, and entertainment. You don’t have to offer all three, but think about what content you can offer: Can you make videos or blog posts that offer education and showcase your expertise? Can you offer a helpful resource guide or checklist? Or create fun Q&A videos with your employees that allow consumers to get to know your team better? Don’t be afraid to think outside the box.
2. Use email, and use it responsibly. Especially if you’re not running social media ads, your social media posts may not even be seen by your followers. But you can guarantee your message will reach their inboxes. Be strategic when you send emails, and ensure each one offers value to the recipients.
3. Don’t stop marketing. You may have to pivot your messaging, current campaigns, or even the way you offer your products or services, but now is not the time to stop promoting your business. It’s important to not lose momentum during this time and remain top of mind to current and potential customers.
Thinking of all my small business friends and entrepreneurs during this time. Let me know if you want me to send you my presentation deck or need to brainstorm ways to keep your brand strong during COVID-19. Reach me at lindsey@nichecomms.com.